Ben and Ryan talk to Rob Skillington, CTO and co-founder of Chronosphere. They talk about how buy vs. buy is a false choice, lessons learned from building developer tooling at Uber, and why building developer tools needs more than technical skills.
Episode notes:
Chronosphere is introducing Lens, a cloud-native observability tool to view data flows between services.
At Uber, Rob created M3, an open-source metrics engine compatible with Prometheus.
Congrats to Lifeboat badge winner, ralf htp, for their answer to How to read an image in Python OpenCV.
If you want to meet Rob and the Chronosphere team, they’ll be at AWS re:Invent from Nov. 27 to Dec. 1.
Source: https://stackoverflow.blog/2023/11/15/build-vs-buy-doesn-t-matter-tool-adoption-does/