Use the power of OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL·E 2 with CyberSEO Pro

Use the power of OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL·E 2 with CyberSEO Pro

CyberSEO Pro has been integrated with the cutting-edge OpenAI GPT-3 (you may be familiar with it by ChatGPT) and DALL·E 2 technologies from OpenAI to give you the ability to generate completely new articles and unique images based on just a title or a short description,according to your assignment, written in a regular human language.

Merry Christmas from CyberSEO! – CyberSEO Pro

Merry Christmas from CyberSEO! – CyberSEO Pro

The new version of the CyberSEO Pro core loader is more secure and stable. The most important thing this is has a self-repairing mechanism, so if your CyberSEO Pro core code got broken due to some database glitch or if it was corrupted during the update process, your site won't crash and will continue working like nothing happened. Simultaneously the plugin will download the correct version of the core and fix the problem automatically!

What is Spintax and how to use it? – CyberSEO Pro

What is Spintax and how to use it? – CyberSEO Pro

Spintax is a list of synonym groups (raw text lines). Each group consists of a set of synonym words or sentences, separated by the pipe character | and enclosed inside curly brackets {}. The Spintax parsing algorithm picks a random word or sentence from its synonym group and generates an unique synonymized text.