WordPress auto-comments with OpenAI GPT – CyberSEO Pro

WordPress auto-comments with OpenAI GPT – CyberSEO Pro

Starting with version 10.037, the CyberSEO Pro plugin allows you to automatically generate WordPress comments without using any third-party content sources, like pre-written text lists or RSS feeds. The plugin can now fully generate WordPress auto-comments using OpenAI GPT.

Should I be worried about search engine penalty because of the AI-generated content – CyberSEO Pro

Should I be worried about search engine penalty because of the AI-generated content – CyberSEO Pro

Many copywriting agencies are already starting to use ChatGPT for writing articles. Artificial intelligence is being used by programmers, artists, and even doctors. For example, BuzzFeed replaces 180 fired journalists with ChatGPT neural network. If even BuzzFeed trusts OpenAI's artificial intelligence to write articles, why should regular bloggers or webmasters that sell products on their websites be afraid of penalty from Google?

Why it’s important to keep CyberSEO Pro up to date – CyberSEO Pro

Why it’s important to keep CyberSEO Pro up to date – CyberSEO Pro

The IT industry is changing rapidly. It is changing even more rapidly when it comes to the Web. Host operating systems are constantly being improved, and programming languages such as PHP are getting new versions. New releases of WordPress are coming out, introducing new features and removing obsolete functions. That is why you need to keep your  version of CyberSEO Pro up to date. Otherwise, sooner or later, its functionality will start to deteriorate significantly.

Stable Diffusion – CyberSEO Pro

Stable Diffusion – CyberSEO Pro

In response to a high number of requests from our users, we’ve implemented full support for Stable Diffusion, an innovative technology for automatically generating fantastically beautiful images using Artificial Intelligence. You can specify descriptions of the desired image using ordinary human language, as if you were giving a task to a live artist. Stable Diffusion AI will generate Read more about Stable Diffusion[…]