Python Django vs. Flask

Python is a handy tool for web development. In fact, Python is known for its great web development frameworks, Flask and Django, and its ability to adapt fast to technological advancements.

10 Tips for Beginners getting started with Django

Django is keen on adhering to the MVC (Model View Controller) convention that many frameworks follow. However, the framework is keen on working with its own control rules. Since the control you need when dealing with your Django apps is not isolated, Django is sometimes called an MVT application with the View component bridging the Model component and Template component of your apps.

“What is HTML” explained with examples

Is Html a programming language? It is easy to get confused thinking of HTML as a programming language, but the fact is HTML is a Hypertext Markup Language. It creates electronic documents (web pages) displayed on the World Wide Web (WWW). For not being a programming language, it does not have the capability to create dynamic functionality. HTML pages can be viewed by anyone connected to the internet.

React Native:Tutorial #4 – React Native UI Components

In this blog post, we will learn few commonly used React Native UI Components. We can use different types of UI elements in a react-native project. But remember that it may look different in an android and iPhone. We will learn how text inputs, touchables and picker with different examples. If you have not read […]